Xbox pc download
Xbox pc download

The Low setting is there for 2.4GHz Wi-Fi networks, the Medium is for setups with 5GHz networks, while the High setting is reserved for Ethernet cable networks. There are three options – Low, Medium, and High. Open the Video encoding level section.Click on the Settings tab in the menu on the left side.Connect your PC and Xbox One console as described in previous sections.Of course, you should take your computer’s abilities into consideration. This way, you can lower them if you’re on a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network or ramp them up if you’ve got an Ethernet network set up.

xbox pc download

The Xbox app on your PC also allows you to change the video settings of your streams. This will launch the game on the console and start streaming it to your PC. Click on the Play from the console button in the upper-right corner of the game’s page within the app.

Xbox pc download